Telangana BJP president Bandi Sanjay Kumar here on Thursday said the party’s victory in five States instilled the confidence of leaders and activists in the State. Stating that the leaders were geared up for next elections in the State, he exuded confidence that the party would emerge victorious in Telangana.
People in Telangana were aspiring for a double engine government and the party’s voting percentage was also increasing from 2014. The result in the two by-elections was the classic example, he claimed.
Surveys conducted by several
agencies predicted that the BJP would lose elections but the result was in favour of the party. In Uttar Pradesh, the party broke the 37-year-old jinx and created a history. The credit would go to the Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath who cracked the whip on mafia and goondas in the State.
Sanjay said the national leadership has already started focusing on Telangana and the BJP president JP Nadda and union Home Minister Amit Shah were regularly visiting the State to instill confidence among the party leaders.