The boat service from Nagarjuna Sagar to Srisailam on Krishna River has resumed on Monday after a two-year gap due to the lack of sufficient water in the river and then the Covid-19 situation.
According to a Telangana Tourism official, governments of both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh had given permission for the resumption of the service, which was launched in November 2017. Over a hundred people will be allowed per
To run on weekends, tickets for the service will be sold for Rs 1,500 and Rs 1,200 (children), which includes meals. Also, the department is offering a Rs 3,999 tour package, which would include a visit to tourist sites in Srisailam and dinner. The next morning, the department will provide darshan of Lord Shiva at the Srisailam temple, ropeway adventure, and a visit to the Srisailam reservoir.