The mortal remains of Mohammed Abdul Arfath, student from Telangana, who was found dead in Cleveland, US earlier this month, brought to his residence in Hyderabad. Mohammad Abdul Arfath, hailing from Nacharam, had gone to the US last year in May to pursue a Masters in IT from Cleveland University. He was reportedly missing since March 7
Earlier, the Indian Consulate-General in New York in a post on social media confirmed Arfath's death and assured its
help to Arfath’s family members. “Anguished to learn that Mohammed Abdul Arfath, for whom search operation was underway, was found dead in Cleveland, Ohio. Our deepest condolences to Mohammed Arfath’s family," the Consulate General of India in New York said in a post, and added that all possible assistance was being extended to the bereaved family to transport his mortal remains to India.