Warangal: In a rude shock to the BRS supremo K. Chandrasekhar Rao, Dr Kadiyam Kavya, the party nominee from the Warangal Lok Sabha constituency, announced her withdrawal as the party candidate. Dropping the bombshell that could well have an impact on the BRS’ election prospects, and ability to keep its flock together, Dr Kavya, in a letter to Chandrashekar Rao, said that the series of serious allegations over corruption, land grabbing, as well as the phone tapping case, and the arrest of K. Kavitha in the Delhi liquor scam case have resulted in the destruction of the image of the BRS.

The sudden late evening announcement by Dr Kavya is believed to have been prompted by a decision by the Congress to give her the party ticket from Warangal. There was increasing buzz as the night wore on that her withdrawal as the BRS candidate followed the decision by the Congress and that she would join the party on Friday

to be followed by declaration as the party nominee from Warangal. 

In her letter to Chandrashekar Rao, Dr Kavya further said there was a clear lack of coordination and support from local BRS leaders and cadre in the constituency, and this coupled with the bad reputation that the BRS is receiving, she was no longer in a position to contest the elections as the BRS nominee and hence decided to withdraw as the party nominee from Warangal.

She, however, thanked Chandrashekar Rao and the party for the opportunity provided to her but said that the hard decision had to be taken. Attempts to reach Dr Kavya could not succeed, but her father and BRS’ Station Ghanpur MLA Kadiyam Srihari confirmed that his daughter pulled out from the contest as the BRS candidate, and further details would be revealed at a press conference on Friday.

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