Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) MP from Telengana Pothuganti Ramulu joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Hyderabad today (February 29), quitting his party ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha polls 2024. Along with Ramulu, his son Bharat Prasad and several other BRS leaders from Telangana, also joined the BJP in the presence of senior party leaders, including Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar and party in-charge for Telangana Tarun Chugh.

BJP national vice president DK Aruna and the party's OBC Morcha chief K Laxman were also present at the BJP headquarters on the occasion. Welcoming the politicians to the BJP fold, Laxman called Ramulu, a BRS MP from Nagarkurnool Lok Sabha constituency, the most dedicated Dalit leader in Telangana.

"I welcome Ramulu to the BJP on behalf of the party chief JP Nadda. I also welcome other leaders of the BRS joining the BJP along

with him. All these leaders have quit BRS and joined the BJP," Chugh told at a press conference at the party headquarters.

He said the leaders joined the BJP as they were impressed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's policies and work that his government has done for the development of the country.

"From Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Kutch to Guwahati, every day some or the other big leaders, social workers, doctors, engineers, who have dedicated their lives for the society, are joining the BJP," Chugh added.

Chandrasekhar said, "I am happy and grateful that they have joined Team Modi."

"In Prime Minister Modi's efforts, vision and sankalp (resolve) to create a viksit bharat (developed India), we all will work together as party workers and leaders to deliver on that goal of our prime minister," the MeitY MoS added.
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