After facing setbacks in the recent Assembly elections, the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) is embarking on a path of revival and rejuvenation, gearing up for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. The party leadership, in a series of intensive meetings, is working towards transforming the BRS into a robust force, often being termed as ‘BRS 3.0’ by many party leaders.
The BRS considers its strong presence in the Lok Sabha as crucial for safeguarding Telangana’s interests, as both the BJP and Congress, with their national agendas, might ignore the needs of people in the State. “Only BRS can safeguard the interests of the people of the State and raise their voice on their behalf in the Parliament,” the party leaders are asserting in every preparatory meeting.
The upcoming ‘Kadana Bheri’ public meeting in Karimnagar on Tuesday is set to be a significant event, aimed to sound the poll bugle for the Lok Sabha elections. With party president K Chandrashekhar Rao expected to unveil the party’s agenda for the Lok Sabha polls at the meeting, the party leadership is leaving no stone unturned to ensure its grand success as it holds sentimental value. Karimnagar was the venue for the first public meeting during the Telangana Statehood movement and the first public meeting for the 2014 elections as well.
Over the last three months, the BRS has undertaken a comprehensive review of nearly 90 Assembly constituencies to analyse the current state of affairs within the party and the State. Key leaders, including party working president KT Rama Rao along with former Ministers T
Harish Rao, S Niranjan Reddy, G Jagadish Reddy and Vemula Prashanth Reddy, among others, have conducted Lok Sabha preparatory meetings aimed at boosting the morale of the cadre, understanding their concerns and identifying reasons for the defeat in each constituency. The leaders are making sure that the cadres gear up to fight the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, with full vigour.
Though recovering from a total hip replacement surgery, Chandrashekhar Rao too has been actively overseeing these meetings and interacting with party cadre across the State on telephone. Disregarding the Congress’s allegations of attempts to dethrone it from power, he reportedly directed party leaders to play a significant role as the main opposition, counter false narratives, and expose the Congress’s failure in fulfilling electoral promises.
“As the then TRS, the party spearheaded the Telangana statehood movement. Later, we transformed into a political party to lead Telangana on the path of development and welfare. Now, we will be playing our role as an effective opposition and fight on behalf of the people of the State. This is BRS 3.0, as we are referring to in our meetings,” a BRS senior leader told Telangana Today.
The BRS is adopting a measured approach, not rushing to return to power but focusing on rebuilding the party from the grassroots level and nurturing a new leadership. With some leaders defecting to the ruling Congress, Chandrashekhar Rao reportedly is viewing this as an opportunity to strengthen the party at its core and build closer relations with the people and cadre.