Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) working president KT Rama Rao (KTR) on Tuesday announced that his party will organise a ‘grand’ three-day celebration for the upcoming Telangana Formation Day on June 2. This year will also be the first time since the state’s formation in 2014 that BRS supremo will be observing the day as the opposition leader, after the BRS lost last year’s Assembly polls to the Congress.
In view of
the decennial Telangana Formation Day celebrations, the BRS will hold a candlelight rally to the Martyr’s Memorial at Gun Park, a flag hoisting ceremony at party’s office Telangana Bhavan, and also conduct district level activities and service programmes. In a press release on Tuesday, KTR also highlighted the role of KCR in the bifurcation of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh through the statehood agitation that was partially spearheaded by him.