In Telangana, the Central law enforcement agencies and state police have seized 243 crore rupees after the State Assembly election held in November last year. State Chief Electoral Officer Vikas Raj informed the Media in Hyderabad last evening. He said out of this, the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence seized cash and gold worth 118 crore rupees.
The CEO said, they are fully prepared for a peaceful and successful conduct of Lok Sabha elections across the state. He said, over 40 companies of central armed forces have arrived in
the state and they have been dispatched to districts on bandobast duty, along with state police forces.
He said, the Election Commission has taken measures this time to reach out to every voter in rural and urban localities and the authorities have set up a polling centre for only eight voters residing at a hamlet in Bhadradri-Kothagudem district. The CEO said, the polling staff will visit the place and ensure that those voters will exercise their right to vote.