The Central government on Monday notified the transfer of Justice Sujoy Paul from Madhya Pradesh High Court and Justice Moushumi Bhattacharya from the Calcutta High Court to the Telangana High Court. A notification was issued on Monday by the ministry of law and justice, following the approval of transfers by the President of India. A five-member Supreme Court collegium, headed by Chief Justice of India, Justice D.Y. Chandrachud, in the second week of February approved the transfer of the two judges to the Telangana High Court and sent its recommendations to the Union government for further process. The President of India, after consultation with the Chief Justice of India, approved the proposals.

Justice Sujoy Paul was born in 1964

and enrolled as an advocate in 1990. He was appointed as an additional judge of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh on May 27, 2011 and appointed as the permanent Judge on April 14, 2014. Justice Sujoy Paul requested the SC Collegium to transfer him to any High Court, other than that of Madhya Pradesh, as his son was practising as an advocate in the same court. Justice Moushumi Bhattacharya was born in 1967 and enrolled as advocate in 1997. She was elevated as an additional judge to the Calcutta High Court on September 21, 2017, and appointed as permanent judge in 2019. Justice Moushumi requested the SC Collegium to transfer her from the Calcutta High Court to any other High Court, on personal reasons.

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