A new service ‘Chat with your RPO’, launched by the Regional Passport Office, Hyderabad on Thursday, facilitates applicants to directly talk to the RPO. The applicants can directly make a video call to RPO Dasari Balaiah on WhatsApp number 8121401532 to get their complaints attended to every Tuesday between 12 noon and 1 pm.
Now, you can directly talk to the Regional Passport Officer (RPO) over WhatsApp video call and get grievance redressed.
This new service was intended to directly listen to problems faced by applicants besides taking timely necessary steps to redress them and to stop recurrence
of such grievances. An integrated public grievance redressal centre was also launched aimed at making the process of grievance redressal hassle-free and in-time bound manner.
Both the new services were inaugurated by Chief Passport Officer T Armstrong Changsan.
Changsan, who interacted with applicants, informed them about the steps taken up by the Ministry of External Affairs to provide better and timely services. He assured that services would further improve in near future with the starting of the improved Passport Seva Project i.e., PSP 2.O.