Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao hoisted the National Flag at the Historic Golkonda Fort on the occasion of 77th Independence Day on Tuesday. The chief minister hoisted the National Flag at 10.45 am. addressing the gathering the chief minister said that though there was progress during 75 years, it was not on the expected targets. He targeted the leadership during the undivided Andhra Pradesh alleging that because of their negligence Telangana was subject to discrimination.

The chief minister talked about the development in the state during the last one decade which has been looked as a surprise by the people of the country. The CM listed out various initiatives on agriculture, farmers, welfare schemes to all sections, double bedroom houses, pensions, merger of RTC employees into the government. The CM assured to give a good PRC to the state government employees. He recalled his promise made in the


The CM also talked about proposed Metro connecting all corners of the city. Quoting a report of NITI Ayog, the CM said that the poverty in Telangana has decreased with the policies like 'Increasing wealth and distribute to people' of the state government. The atmosphere at the Fort was reverberating with 1,200 artists performing their arts. Kolatam, Oggu, Dappulu, Banjara, Koya, Punjabi, Kuchipudi, Sheri Band, Marfa, Dhimsa, Gussadi and other dance forms were performed by the artists on the basements around the Fort. 

There was a parade in which three contingents including CAR Headquarters (Women), CAR Headquarters (Men) and AP Police Contingent (Men) participated. The bands participated include Ist Batallion TSSP, Yousufguda, 4th Batallion, Warangal, 7th Batallion, Dichpally and 10th Batallion, Beechpally.

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