Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Saturday said Telangana was progressing on all fronts compared to other States like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat. “The State is in the forefront in education, per capita income, per capita power utilization and other sectors compared to other States,” he said during Sri Shubhakruth Nama Samvathsara Ugadi festival celebrations organized at Pragathi Bhavan here.
Wishing the people happiness, peace and prosperity, he said: “Our collective dream is to achieve golden Telangana.” “After several consultations and doubts on formation of Telangana during 15 years of agitation, we succeeded in realizing our dream of separate Telangana with the blessings of God and the people in the State,” the Chief Minister said.
“Personally, I am satisfied with the way the State is progressing and achieving excellent results. The State revenue continues to rise every year. The entire society is one and I expect that everyone should be happy,” he said. The land rates in Telangana are now not less than Rs.30 lakh per acre even in remote village and in Shadnagar the cost of the land is over Rs.1 crore.
“I have
information that several people from New Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru were booking villas each costing over Rs.25 crore in Hyderabad. All this happened because of synchronization of various factors,” the Chief Minister said.
“Dispelling doubts whether Telangana will be able to over the power and water requirements after formation of separate State, We achieved excellent results and created a miracle in several fields,” he said. More results could be achieved if everyone strives hard for the overall development of the State. With Dalit Bandhu scheme, Telangana would set a role model for the country. “It’s a maha yagnam and no one will do it. It is not introduced for the sake of votes,” he said.
With various initiatives taken up by the State government, over 95 per cent of jobs from attender to RDO would be given to the people from Telangana.
Stating that there was no discrimination in the name of caste and religion, the Chief Minister said Brahmina sadanam, which was constructed in Banjara Hills, would be inaugurated soon and added that the State was also popular for its spirituality and a few days ago Yadadri temple was reopened after refurbishing it completely.