Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar on Tuesday reviewed the final preparations for Medaram Jatara slated to begin from Wednesday. The CS held a video conference from BRKR Bhavan and called upon all the officers concerned to see that all departments are fully geared up to make the biggest tribal congregation a great success.

Somesh Kumar checked the status of uninterrupted power supply, drinking water, toilets, traffic regulations and parking lots. He reminded everyone that the Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao had clear instruction to all to make Medaram Jatara a memorable event in the heart of every devotee. He suggested that all the inter-sectoral teams should meet every day to chalk out that

day’s work. “If there is a crisis, then call for information and respond accordingly,” he said.

He further directed the officers to provide best facilities to the devotees and to keep an eye on traffic and security all the time. He wanted the nodal officers at toll gates to take preventive steps to prevent traffic snarls. “Contingency plans are needed to undertake emergency repairs of roads leading to the Jatara,” he said.

DGP Mahender Reddy, Principal Secretaries Vikas Raj, Rajat Kumar, Sunil Sharma, Inspector general Nagi Reddy, Tribal Welfare Commissioner Christina and others were present at the review meeting.

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