The Cyberabad police have asked the citizens leaving for their native places during the summer vacation to take necessary safety measures to prevent becoming victims of burglaries.
Cyberabad Police Commissioner, Stephen Raveendra said there is a high possibility of burglars striking when the occupants were away for long and it could be avoided, if necessary safety measures were followed.
The police advised the people not to keep valuables at their houses and instead keep it at lockers in banks or their relatives place, park the vehicles only in houses, lock properly and cover the door and windows with curtains and keep a few lights switched on.
police further advised the citizens to inform their neighbours to keep a watch on the house in their absence and alert if anything suspicious was noticed and also inform at the local police station.
“Don’t share your vacation pictures on social media platforms as burglar gangs might get first-hand information about your movement. Also install closed circuit cameras in the house and connect it to mobile phones to monitor the feed,” the official said.
The Cyberabad police will be forming special teams to intensify patrolling. Plain clothes policemen will also move in the colonies to identify persons moving around suspiciously.