Union Civil Aviation Minister Jyothiraditya Scindhia will formally inaugurate the 5th edition of Wing India at Begumpet airport in Hyderabad today. The Exhibition and Conference of Asia's largest civil aviation event opened yesterday. The exhibitors include CSIR - National Aerospace Laboratories, Airbus, Embraer, Pawan Hans Ltd, Rolls Royce, Turbo Aviation among others.
The main focus at the Wings India 2022 is on the fact that India's Civil Aviation sector is among the fastest-growing aviation markets globally and will be a major growth engine to make India a 5 trillion-dollar economy.
The largest civil aviation summit and exhibition in Asia is underway at Begumpet airport in Hyderabad with ‘India@75: New Horizon for Aviation Industry’ as the main theme. Organised by
the Ministry of Civil Aviation jointly with the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the deliberations witnessed brainstorming round table conferences and panel discussions on key issues of the aviation sector yesterday.
Industries and companies including the Public Sector Undertakings like HAL and Pawan Hans are taking part in it.
Aircraft and Helicopter Manufacturers, Interiors, Machinery and Equipment Companies, Infrastructure Companies, Drones, Skill Development, Space Industry, Airlines, Airline Services and Cargo have displayed their products and services at the exhibition. More than 125 international and domestic exhibitors and delegations from over 15 countries are participating in it.