Nalgonda MP and senior Congress leader N Uttam Kumar Reddy on Sunday urged Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao to clear the pending bills of Palle Pragathi programme before launching of its fifth phase on June 3.
Speaking at Rachhabanda programme held at Mattampally in the district, Uttam Kumar Reddy said that hundreds of crores of bills of earlier four phases of Palle Pragathi were unpaid, which sent grama panchayats into financial crisis. He reminded that couple of surpanches of grama panchayats had committed
due to financial problems created with non-paying of the bills by the state government.
He urged the state government to release a village wise white paper on the pending bills of Palle Pragathi. He requested the Chief Minister to hold a review meeting with the officials concerned and fix a deadline for payment of pending bills. The state government should also extend ex-gratia to the families of the surpanches, who committed suicide due to financial problems, he added.