Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Sunday expressed suspicion that the State was witnessing cloudbursts, which could be part of a larger conspiracy by foreign countries against India, resulting in floods in the Godavari. He said unusual calamities were occurring due to climate change and the State government was taking measures to protect its people.
During a visit to Bhadrachalam town affected by the Godavari floods, the Chief Minister said
cloudbursts were something new. “I do not know how far it is correct, but it is said that some countries are causing cloudbursts in our country as part of a conspiracy. This happened earlier in the Leh-Ladakh region of Kashmir as well as in Uttarakhand. Now, the Godavari region is getting affected. Whatever it is, we must protect our people from such unusual calamities which occur due to climate change,” he said.