Releasing Rs 5,000 crore of developmental funds for Mahbubnagar district, Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy on Wednesday asked the public to elect at least 14 Congress MPs in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls to get more funds for the district. The Chief Minister took part in development programmes in Kosgi of Kodangal on the day and addressed a public meeting, announcing Ch Vamsichand Reddy as the party’s candidate for the Mahbubnagar Lok Sabha constituency and appealed to the public to ensure his victory by at least 50,000-vote majority.

Claiming that despite former chief minister K. Chandrashekar Rao winning from the segment but failing to voice Telangana’s concerns in the Parliament, he said: “What is the contribution of the former chief minister Chandrashekar Rao to the development of Palamuru in the last 10 years? Why are projects not completed? Chandrasekhar Rao has no right to ask for votes since he did not provide irrigation to even a single acre in Palamuru district.” 

Attacking the BJP, he said that their leaders G. Kishan Reddy, D.K. Aruna and Jitender Reddy must answer to the people why the Palamuru-Rangareddy Lift Irrigation Scheme was not conferred the

national status, despite Prime Minister Narendra Modi promising to do so in 2014.
“BJP leaders should answer why they have not fulfilled the promise for the past 10 years. The Krishna railway line was also not taken up. The four BJP MPs from Telangana failed to get even Rs 4 from the BJP-led Central government for the state. The BJP has no right to seek votes in Palamuru district,” Revanth Reddy said. 

Assuring that the Congress would provide Krishna water to Kodangal farmers, he said: “I will develop the Assembly constituency with an additional allocation of Rs 5,000 crore.” “The political battle will not end until the Congress wins 14 of 17 Lok Sabha seats in the general elections. We should thwart conspiracies hatched by the BRS and BJP against the Congress. The Congress government in Telangana will launch gas-cylinder-at-Rs 500 scheme and solve women's problems in a week. The government will also implement 200 units of free power supply guarantee soon,” Revanth Reddy said. He said that the Rythu Bharosa benefit would be disbursed to all by March 16 and that the government would implement the Rs 2 lakh loan waiver scheme.

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