Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao will be visiting Jharkhand today to pay tributes to the jawans, who were killed in a clash with Chinese troops in the Galwan Valley in 2020 and extend financial assistance of Rs 10 lakh to their family members.
The Chief Minister along with Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren would be handing over Rs 10 lakh cheque each to the family members of two jawans, who were natives of Jharkhand, according to the tweet by Chief Minister’s office on Thursday
Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao had announced ex gratia of Rs 5 crore to Colonel Santosh Babu in honour of his bravery while fighting the Chinese troops. He had also announced Rs 10 lakh each to the families of 19 soldiers, who died in the Galwan Valley clash.
Since elections were being conducted in few States, the Chief Minister would be handing over the financial assistance to the jawans’ families after the elections code would be lifted in those States.