Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Wednesday announced a slew of measures to protect people’s rights on their properties in the State including free online mutation of non-agricultural properties, free ‘NALA’ conversion of houses constructed on agricultural lands and also regularisation of government lands encroached by the poor. He also urged people to cooperate with the State government to clearly demarcate non-agricultural properties from agriculture lands.

The Chief Minister held an extensive meeting on the implementation of the new Revenue Act and recording details of non-agriculture properties on Dharani portal, at Pragathi Bhavan here.

Chandrashekhar Rao said that the mutation will not be applicable to houses constructed on lands under the Endowments department, Wakf Board, full tank level, nalas and Urban Land Ceiling (ULC). “This is the last chance for people seeking to register their properties online for mutation, regularise encroached lands or free NALA conversion. The government will not entertain these in future,” he said.

He also gave a final opportunity for people to mutate Sada Bainamas and announced that guidelines for this will be released in a day or two. He declared that Sada Bainamas will not be permitted henceforth. People should either register these properties on the Dharani portal for future mutation or approach the courts in case of any further disputes.

The Chief Minister said that for the first time in the country, maroon-coloured pattadar passbooks will be issued to people who own non-agriculture properties in the State. “These passbooks will give permanent rights to people on their properties and avoid unnecessary disputes in the future. The measures are being initiated under the new Revenue Act keeping in mind the long term interests of the people and protect them from land disputes permanently,” he said.

Chandrashekhar Rao also urged people to enroll themselves to record their property details including houses, plots, flats and other non-agriculture properties in both urban and rural local bodies to avail free mutation of their properties. He pointed out that all property transactions will be carried out only through the Dharani website in future and one cannot transfer their properties even to their children without registering details pertaining to non-agriculture properties including registration and Aadhaar number along with the details of family members. He suggested that people obtain the house numbers from the local bodies and upload them online.

Further, the Chief Minister declared that the State government will regularise government lands occupied by the poor for several years now which will enable them to avail bank loans against their property. He reaffirmed that the property mutation has nothing to do with the

ongoing Land Regularisation Scheme (LRS) and construction of building will be strictly subject to the Panchayat Raj or the Municipal Act and regulations.

Chandrashekhar Rao also announced that the NALA (Non-Agricultural Land Act) conversion of houses constructed on agricultural lands will be carried out free of cost. He asked elected representatives and the officials to fully cooperate with the people in separating the extent of agriculture land on which houses are built and convert it into non-agriculture property. The Mandal Panchayat Officers were advised to constantly monitor the entire process.

“The details of every non-agriculture property should be registered online and the officials must allot house numbers. Taxes should be collected promptly. Officials of both urban and rural local bodies should take up the responsibility and upload all details pertaining to non-agriculture properties online,” the Chief Minister said. He made it clear that while the Dharani website could take some time to be operational, registration of both agriculture and non-agricultural properties will not be taken up until its launch.

Chandrashekhar Rao wanted the Ministers, MLAs and other elected representatives at mandal and village level to lay special focus on successful implementation of online registration of non-agriculture properties and also distribution of maroon-coloured passbooks to property owners. He wanted the officials and staff of local bodies to monitor the online registration of non-agriculture properties and ensure caution in uploading the details.

As promised in the State Assembly, the Chief Minister reiterated that the properties owned by the poor under GOs 58 and 59 including notarised properties will be regularised free of cost. Necessary guidelines in this regard will be issued in a couple of days. He instructed Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar to issue all Government Orders as well as circulars in both Telugu and English languages to ensure that all the information is available to the people.

The Chief Minister also decided to hold a meeting with MLAs and Mayors of Municipal Corporations including Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) at Pragathi Bhavan on Thursday. He will discuss the issues pertaining to implementation of the new Revenue Act, creation of the Dharani portal, online compilation of non-agriculture properties, and also free regularisation of notarised lands as well as lands under GO 58 and 59.

Ministers K T Rama Rao, Errabelli Dayakar Rao, V Prashanth Reddy, P Ajay Kumar, Telangana State Planning Board vice chairman B Vinod Kumar, Chief Government Advisor Rajiv Sharma, Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar, MLAs, MLCs and senior officials from Municipal, Revenue and Panchayat Raj attended the meeting.

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