Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao announced that the State government will take up direct recruitment to fill up 80,039 posts immediately. The government has also decided to regularise services of 11,103 contract workers who are already working taking the total recruitment to 91,142 posts in various departments in Telangana. A notification will be issued shortly.

The financial implication of filling up of 80,039 vacancies and regularisation of 11,103 contractual personnel would be Rs 7,300 crores per annum for the State government.

Making an announcement amidst thumping of benches in the Assembly on Wednesday, the Chief Minister stated that the upper age limit for direct recruitment would be relaxed by 10 years, to enable more unemployed become eligible to compete in the proposed recruitment. 

Accordingly, except for uniformed services like police, the upper age limit for all other posts will be 44 years for OC, 49 years for
SC, ST, BC, 54 years for Physically handicapped, and 47 years for ex-Servicemen.

Chandrashekhar Rao explained that since the State formation, the State government has notified 1,56,254 posts for recruitment, out of which 1,33,942 posts have been filled up. The remaining 22,312 posts are under the recruitment process. “Further, the Telangana government, as a policy, has decided that henceforth there will not be any more contractual appointments,”

he declared amidst cheers from the legislators.

As a policy decision, the State government will determine in advance and notify the direct recruitment vacancies that would be filled every year. Accordingly, strict instructions have been issued by the Chief Secretary to all the Secretaries and Heads of Departments to regularly update the vacancy position in their respective departments. Then a recruitment calendar will be announced annually. 

All the departments will immediately give indents to the concerned recruiting agencies for issue of notifications. The notifications will be issued with suitable gaps to facilitate aspiring candidates to compete in various examinations.

“Ours is an employee-friendly government. The Telangana government have inherited large number of contract employees, which is a legacy of the united State. Such a large number of contract employees under the government is not a desirable phenomenon. Hence, we are regularising them in a phased manner,” the Chief Minister said. He pointed out that the employees of Telangana government were highest paid in the country.

Upon resolving the issues pertaining to institutions mentioned under Schedule 9 and 10 in the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, the Chief Minister assured to fill any vacancies arising in those institutions on a priority basis as well.

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