Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao announced that 10 lakh new pensions will be given to all those aged above 57 in the State from August 15. At present, 36 lakh people are getting pensions and another 10 lakh will be added. New pension cards enabled with bar codes will be issued to all the 46 lakh pensioners, the Chief Minister said.
Considering the plight of dialysis patients, the Chief Minister said a monthly Aasara pension of Rs 2,016 will be given to the patients. This will be in addition to the services being extended free to the patients. Taking a jibe at the Central government’s vested campaign on freebies and the adverse impacts, the Chief
Minister said: “Will these also be considered as freebies? A few decisions have to be taken on humanitarian grounds”.
Making things clear, the Chief Minister said during the last financial year, the State government had accumulated and spent Rs 1.90 lakh crore. Of the Rs 1.90 lakh crore, the Centrally-Sponsored schemes cumulative share was just about Rs 5,000 crore, he further said. Commemorating the 75th year of Independence, instructions were issued to release 75 prisoners with good conduct. He also said orphans will be declared as State Children and the government will support their education from KG to PG, besides extending reservations in employment as well.