Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao has instructed officials to speed up the development projects in Nalgonda town. He expressed unhappiness over the delay in executing the projects even after the government cleared adequate funds.
The Chief Minister attended the 10th-day ceremony (Dashadina Karma) of Narasimha, the father of Narketpalli MLA Chirumarthi Lingaiah on Thursday. The CM paid tributes to the departed soul and expressed his condolences to the bereaved family.
KCR spoke to people who came to pay tributes and also joined the community lunch at the MLA’s residence. After that the CM conducted a review of development projects.
He wanted the Nalgonda Kalabharati Cultural Centre constructed with state-of-the-art facilities. The seating capacity of the centre will be 2,000 people.
Officials were told to green the Panagallu Udaya Samudram Tank Bund. The recreation facility will provide people from villages near Nalgonda town a place to enjoy themselves with their families during holidays.
The CM asked officials to get designs from leading architects to make the tank bund a beautiful structure. KCR also reviewed the progress in the construction of the Integrated Market by checking the photos and reports submitted by officials.
Nalgonda Collector Prashant Jeevan Patil, Municipal Commissioner Ramanachari and other officials briefed the CM on the progress of works.
The CM asked the officials to develop a park and a playground for children to play in when they visit the market.
KCR advised officials to set up urban parks wherever possible in Nalgonda town. He inquired about greenery in the town and nurseries.Collector Prashant Jeevan Patil explained to the CM the steps being taken for
beautification of the town which included planting saplings and translocation of large trees which have been removed due to road widening and other reasons.
The Chief Minister also inquired about the development of Nagarjunasagar with the officials. He sought information about development projects and lift irrigation works in Alia and Nandikonda municipalities and Sagar along from local MLA N. Bhagat. The officials told the CM that tenders have been invited for executing the work.
KCR said that funds have been released and instructed officials to speed up work. He sanctioned the construction of a flyover at the Nalgonda Marriguda Bypass Junction, the R&B Guest House at Clock Tower Junction in the town and at the R&B Office in the new Integrated Collectorate.
KCR called R&B Minister Vemula Prashant Reddy on the phone and asked him to issue GOs for the newly sanctioned work. He instructed officials to complete the work in six months.
The CM also directed CMO Secretary Smita Sabharwal on the phone to initiate steps for constructing the office of the Chief Engineer of Irrigation.
KCR responded positively to the request made by Miryalaguda MLA Bhaskar Rao for the construction of a court building in Miryalaguda town.
The review meeting was attended by Energy Minister G. Jagadish Reddy, MLAs Kancharla Bhupal Reddy, N. Bhaskar Rao, N. Bhagath, MLC Koti Reddy, Nalgonda Municipal Chairman Saidi Reddy, Collector Prashanth Jeevan Patil, Municipal Commissioner Ramanachary, Chityala Municipal Chairman Venkat Reddy, Mother Dairy Chairman Krishna Reddy, Suryapet Municipal Chairman Annapurna, ZP Chairperson Deepika, Nakirekal Municipal Chairman Srinivas Goud, Narketpally MPP Venkat Reddy and others.