Bharat Rashtra Samithi President and Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Wednesday assured to convene a national level meeting with representatives of the Christian community shortly to discuss and find solutions to various issues pertaining to the community. He was participating in the Christmas celebrations organised by the State government at the Lal Bahadur Stadium here.

Speaking on the occasion, Chandrashekhar Rao said Jesus Christ gave the message of peace to humankind, asking people to love fellow human beings.

“If his teachings were followed by everyone, there would be no wars and even crimes. Though we are progressing a lot in science and technology, we should also progress in terms of these issues,” he said, urging all religious heads, including those heading religious organisations and also places of worship including temples, mosques and churches, to spread the message of

empathy and kindness.

The Chief Minister said that after achieving Telangana State upon a lot of struggle and setting new benchmarks, the Telangana government was celebrating Christmas and major festivals of all other religions officially. 

He stated that with Telangana registering significant progress and setting a benchmark for other States, the entire country should be revitalised to progress on the lines of Telangana and sought the support of the Christian community in his efforts.

On the occasion, Chandrashekhar Rao felicitated Cardinal Poola Anthony who attended the celebrations, terming him as the pride of Telangana. Ministers Koppula Eeshwar, Mohd Mahmood Ali, Talasani Srinivas Yadav, Ch Malla Reddy and others along with the representatives of the Christian community, took part in the celebrations.

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