TRS President and Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao called the party ranks to stage demonstrations in all constituency headquarters across the State on Thursday, protesting against the hike in petrol, diesel and cooking gas prices by the Central government.
Petrol and diesel prices were raised on Tuesday for the first time in over four months as oil marketing companies (OMCs) hiked prices of both fuels by about 80 paise per litre each. For second straight day, the prices of both petrol and diesel prices again by 80 paise a litre each on Wednesday. The price of domestic cooking gas (LPG) too
was hiked by Rs 50 per cylinder for first time since early October.
The retail fuel prices have remained unchanged across metro cities for the most prolonged duration since the daily revision of prices began in June 2017. The OMCs held the prices of both fuels constant starting on November 4, after the Centre announced a Rs 5 per litre cut in excise duty on petrol and a Rs 10 per litre cut in excise duty on diesel. The price were not revised till the end of the state elections in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur earlier this month.