Raksha Bandhan was celebrated with fervour and gaiety on Friday at Pragathi Bhavan, the official residence of Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao. The Chief Minister celebrated the festival with his elder sisters Lalithamma, Laxmamma, Jayamma and younger sister Vinodamma who tied rakhis to him.
Chandrashekhar Rao greeted his sisters and took blessings from them. Alekhya, daughter of IT and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao, also tied rakhi to her brother Himanshu. The Chief Minister’s wife, Shobamma, Rama Rao’s wife Shailima, and others participated in the celebrations.
Earlier in the day, MLC K Kavitha tied rakhi to her brother Rama Rao at Pragathi Bhavan. She wished him a speedy recovery as the Minister is yet to recover fully from a minor injury on his leg and was advised to take rest. Their
cousin and MP J Santosh Kumar’s sister Sowmya also tied rakhi to Rama Rao on the occasion.
Meanwhile, Rama Rao took to Twitter to share some old photographs of the brother-sister bond. “Some bonds are so special,” he tweeted. He posted his childhood photograph with Kavitha. He also shared an old picture of his daughter and son celebrating Raksha Bandhan.
Several Ministers celebrated the festival with women leaders of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) and also the general public who tied rakhis to the former. TPCC president A Revanth Reddy, Congress Legislative Party leader Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, BJP State president Bandi Sanjay Kumar and others also celebrated the festivities with the women leaders and the general public who tied rakhis to them.