Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao reiterated his condemnation of Assam Chief Minister Himanta Sharma’s comments against Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, stating that it was unfortunate that BJP leaders including Prime Minister Narendra Modi or the party president JP Nadda kept mum on the issue. “They failed to make Sharma tender an unconditional apology,” he said.
“As an MP, Rahul Gandhi has every right to seek proof about the surgical strike. The Centre can respond or stay calm. But how can the Assam Chief Minister make such objectionable comments? Is this BJP’s culture,” Chandrashekhar Rao asked.
just Rahul Gandhi, most people in the country feel it was a political stunt. Now, as a responsible Indian citizen, I am also seeking proof for surgical strike. What’s wrong in that?” Chandrashekhar Rao asked, adding that the Indian Army needs to be congratulated and saluted for their bravery.
“But, why is BJP claiming credit for it?” he asked, adding that even in the case of the last journey of Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat, BJP flags were fluttering all along when it should have been the national flag. “This is proof that BJP is a third class party,” he charged.