Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao extended heartfelt condolences over the demise of noted film director Kalatapasvi K Viswanath late on Thursday night. He said Viswanath was a rare distinguished film director who chose an ordinary story and turned it into a classic movie on the silver screen with his amazing talent.

On the occasion, the Chief Minister recalled a discussion between Viswanath and him on movies, music and literature when the former visited the ailing director’s home earlier. “Jayanthi Te Sukritino, Rasasiddha Kaveeswarah. Nasti tesham yasah kaye, jaramaranajam bhayam (Poets and scholars are immortal. They have no fear of birth and death), is apt to

Vishwanath garu,” he said.

Further, Chandrashekhar Rao said India’s traditional values and culture were given a lot of importance in Viswanath’s films. He said Viswanath was the great Indian director, who made visuals on the conflicts that arise in human relationships, with music and literature as the main theme. “Many prestigious awards like Dada Saheb Phalke and Raghupathi Venkaiah are a testament to the talent of Viswanath as a director. His name will be etched in the annals of the Telugu film industry forever,” he added.

He conveyed his deepest condolences to the bereaved family members.

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