Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao offered tributes to spiritualist and social reformer Sant Sevalal Maharaj revered by the Banjara and Lambada communities, and extended greetings to them on the occasion of his 284th birth anniversary on February 15. He said the State government had constructed the Banjara Bhavan building named after the tribal icon in Banjara Hills and was celebrating his birth anniversary officially on the same soil where he walked nearly three centuries ago.

In a statement, the Chief Minister said the birth anniversary celebrations of Sevalal Maharaj stood as another example for the argument that formation of Telangana State would ensure due recognition to the identity and self-respect of downtrodden communities. He said the efforts of tribals to preserve their unique way of nature worship, spiritual outlook and socio-cultural way of life in the forests, was commendable.

Throughout his life, Sant Sevalal Maharaj fought to protect his people from the outside world. He

said the awareness created and the activities undertaken by him acted as a protective shield for the Lambadas and Banjaras across the country. He said the teachings and the work done by Sant Sevalal Maharaj was an inspiration to the Banjaras in the past made him a spiritual teacher and idol to the Banjaras all over the world.

On the occasion, Chandrashekhar Rao said that the State government had undertaken many development and welfare programs for the Banjara and Lambada communities. He pointed out that the State government has upgraded tribal hamlets into gram panchayats and ensured that their long-pending demand for ‘Our Rule in Our Land’ was fulfilled, by making them participants in the village administration. 

Telangana has become a role model for the country in tribal welfare, he added. The State government is implementing many schemes in the fields of employment, education, sports etc. to boost the self-esteem of tribal children.

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