Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has greeted people of Telangana as the state is all set to celebrate its tenth Statehood Day. The three-week-long grand event would unfold with the Chief Minister inaugurating celebrations at newly constructed Dr BR Ambedkar Secretariat building on Friday. Commemorating the struggles and sacrifices made during the fight for statehood that lasted for over six decades, he paid rich tributes to the martyrs on the occasion.

He recalled the way the final phase of the movement was led in a democratic manner with people of all sections rallying around the cause of statehood. Recounting the hardships and humiliations had too had to experience in the process of realising the avowed goal of separate state, he acknowledged the contribution of people from all walks of life in the movement that forced the Centre to bow down


On June 2, 2014, Telangana became the 29th state of India. It is heartening that the state with a phenomenal success in all sectors, had disproved its critics. Fighting all odds, it stood up against the opponents. Overcoming all setbacks, Telangana State is now leading country forward in all fields. The ‘Telangana model’ of governance and development has become the most sought after one all over the country. People of all states now want a government like the one in Telangana State.

The Chief Minister said that the State Government has made elaborate arrangements for the celebrations. State has made rapid strides in all sectors including agriculture, irrigation, electricity, education, medicine and welfare. He wanted people to join in a big way the celebrations being organized on a grand scale for three weeks.
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