Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao extended Rs.10 lakh financial assistance to National Farmers union activist Vimal Kumar, who died due to cardiac arrest in Hyderabad recently, after visiting Kaleshwaram project.
After learning about the incident, the Chief Minister extended his condolences to the bereaved family. He also declared financial assistance to Vimal Kumar’s family.
Rythu Bandhu Samithi president Palla Rajeshwar Reddy handed over Rs.10 lakh assistance to Vimal Kumar’s family at a programme organised by the National Farmers union Karnataka president Shantha Kumar’s leadership in Mysuru on
Addressing on the occasion, Palla Rajeshwar Reddy said the farming community in Telangana was benefiting immensely due to effective implementation of Rythu Bandhu, Rythu Bima, 24 hours free power supply and other welfare programmes by the State Government.
The farmers, who learnt about the Telangana Government’s schemes, wanted similar schemes to be implemented in respective States for the welfare of farming community. South India Farmers Association president K Narasimha Naidu and other farmers leaders from the State also participated in the programme.