Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao gave clarion call to people of Telangana to gear up to thwart the attempts of communal forces to create unrest in Telangana. He appealed to them to be aware of the conspiracies to distort the history, destroy harmony and pollute the culture of Telangana for the political benefits.

After a long struggle, Telangana State was realised and it has emerged as a frontrunner in many sectors. But the destructive forces are back to create unrest and are distorting even the occasion of September 17 which stands as a symbol of national integrity, to fulfill their selfish political objectives. These opportunists who have nothing to do with the Telangana’s history and development, are trying to distort and pollute the bright history of Telangana with petty politics,” he said.

Chandrashekhar rao hoisted national flag at Public Gardens on the occasion of Telangana National Integration Day, marking the accession of the erstwhile Hyderabad State into the Indian Union on September 17, 2022. He received the general salute from the police personnel. Earlier, he paid floral tributes to people who laid their lives for Telangana State, at Telangana Martyrs’ Memorial in Gun


Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister extended his greetings to people of Telangana who are celebrating the diamond jubilee year of Telangana National Integration Day, marking the accession of the Hyderabad State into Indian Union on September 17, 1948. “Recently, we celebrated the conclusion of the diamond jubilee year of the Indian independence in a grand manner for two weeks. 

The diamond jubilee celebrations of Telangana National Integration Day are an extension to this, to remember our transition from monarchy to democracy,” he said.

Chandrashekhar rao recalled the conditions prevailing in India at the time of independence and the accession of princely States into the Indian Union. “Numerous people played their part in integrating the erstwhile Hyderabad into the Indian Union. Let us remember all the great people who fought on that day and made efforts to unite the country regardless of religion. 

Hyderabad was very much developed before independence. In the name of reorganisation of States, Hyderabad State was forcibly merged with Andhra Pradesh. Due to that mistake, we lost 58 precious years. Let us not sit quiet this time,” he stated.

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