Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Wednesday urged people of Telangana to remain vigilant and thwart any attempts to divide the nation in the name of religion and caste. He cautioned them against falling into the trap of the BJP as the State would slip backward from its accelerated development path.
“There is a vile conspiracy to divide people in the name of caste and religion which is not good for the country and its progress. Many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives and spent decades in jails to give us this freedom. But people have suffered due to some inefficient rulers over the last 75 years. It is time that we unitedly fight against the divisive forces and move forward beyond caste and religion,” he said, while addressing the public meeting after inaugurating the integrated district collectorate complex of Medchal Malkajgiri district near Shamirpet on Wednesday.
The Chief Minister emphasised the need for the people to hold wide-range discussion on the developments in the country. He urged them to discuss the BJP’s contribution for the development of the nation especially Telangana in the last eight years. He wanted to know why other States were unable to progress as much as as a young State like Telangana could, in terms of basic amenities like drinking water and quality power supply.
Elaborating developmental programmes implemented by the State government in the last eight years, Chandrashekhar Rao said Telangana was the only State in the country to supply quality and uninterrupted power to all the sectors as well as drinking water to every household. “Even Delhi is also unable to implement
it. It was possible only because of the collective efforts of elected representatives, officials and people,” he said.
The Chief Minister said Telangana’s Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) was more than doubled to Rs 11.55 lakh crore in 2021-22. Similar growth was noticed in terms of the per capita income, which is pegged at Rs 2.79 lakh in 2021 from 1.24 lakh in 2013-14. It is possible only because of proper utilization of the State’s resources, he added.
He criticised the Centre for terming welfare schemes as freebies and wanted people to remain vigilant to safeguard themselves. “If we do not have a politically conscious society, we will be robbed. We were crushed in the hands of the united Andhra rulers and the same will be repeated to dent our growth, if people get fooled by the BJP flag,” he said.
Chandrashekhar Rao said that people of Telangana should not allow the conditions to deteriorate again by falling prey to the political interests. “We are implementing many welfare schemes and achieved siginificant progress on all fronts. All these schemes should continue, while industries, IT and agricultural sectors grow further,” he stated.
On the occasion, the Chief Minister announced a total Rs 70 crore i.e. Rs 10 crore each to seven Assembly constituencies in the district towards development works in addition to Rs 5 crore for constituency development fund. He also requested all the elected representatives to facilitate distribution of 46 lakh Aasara social security pension cards including 10 lakh new pensions.