Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said Telangana had set a new benchmark in residential education by establishing over 1,000 Gurukul schools and colleges catering to the needs of all sections of the society. Telangana would shortly become the only State to have government medical colleges in all 33 districts, despite the Centre not supporting the endeavours.

Speaking after inaugurating the Integrated District Offices Complex at Jagtial on Wednesday, the Chief Minister said the TRS government was not implementing welfare programmes for the sake of politics and instead, was focusing on fulfilling the real objectives. He stated that though some officials suggested for increasing Aasara pensions to Rs.430, he had increased it to Rs.1,000 after State formation to ensure that the real purpose of the scheme was served and the beneficiaries live a respectful life without depending on others.

“Many elderly people who are ignored by their children, are now living a dignified life due to the old age pension of Rs.2,000, rice supplied under ration card and benefits from other welfare schemes.

There cannot be a better satisfaction in any elected representative’s life,” he said.

Chandrashekhar Rao ruled out restricting the Rythu Bandhu financial support to farmers having less than five acres who constitute around 93.5 per cent of total farmers. He pointed out that even farmers with 30-40 acres in Mahabubnagar, Rangareddy, Nalgonda and Medak districts in erstwhile Andhra Pradesh, migrated to Hyderabad, Mumbai and even Dubai for livelihood, due to lack of irrigation facilities. “We cannot deny financial support for such farmers who are less than 0.28 per cent,” he added.

He said the State government achieved excellent results due to collective efforts of all employees and officers as well as elected representatives. The State government succeeded in supplying drinking water to every household under Mission Bhagiratha scheme with around 40,000 overhead tanks. He stated that Telangana was developing due to intellectual brainstorming in all fields and if everyone continues to work with more commitment, the State would make great strides.

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