Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Saturday instructed officials from the departments concerned not to leave their work centres under any circumstances in order to protect the people in difficult times.
At a high level review meeting conducted by the Chief Minister at Pragathi Bhavan here on the heavy rains and floods in the State, he asked the Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar to immediately issue a circular to this effect. “It’s a testing time for the administration,” he said.
Following India Meteorological Department’s (IMD) warning that there will be heavy rains for the next two or three days, there is a risk of more floods than recent one.
The Chief Minister also warned that there was a risk of Godavari River overflowing the danger warning level due to the rains. Thus, all ministers, MLAs and public representatives should be vigilant in Godavari catchment areas.
They must coordinate with authorities from time to time and make appropriate arrangements to evacuate the people from flooded areas to safe places.
The Medical, Panchayat Raj, Electricity, Roads and Buildings, Municipal,
Mission Bhagiratha and other departments should be alert. The Chief Minister asked Director-General of Police M Mahendar Reddy to issue orders till police station level including Inspectors and Sub-Inspectors not to leave the headquarters.
Irrigation and Command Area Development (I&CAD) Special Chief Secretary Rajat Kumar explained the process of recording the flow of the Godavari River from SRSP and Kadem, and the changing flood situation through satellite on hourly basis.
Municipal Commissioners, ZP CEOs, MPDOs, Health Department, Panchayati Raj and other departmental officials have been asked to be on constant vigil and not to treat these two days as holidays. The Roads and Buildings Minister V Prashant Reddy, who participated in the meeting, explained to the Chief Minister the damage caused to National Highways and efforts being made to repair them.
With the experience gained through these floods, the Chief Minister instructed officials of the Electricity department to regularly inspect the sub-stations so that they don’t get submerged due to floods and collect information about the status of all 11 KV sub-stations.