Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Monday instructed the officials concerned to solve all the issues pertaining to Revenue Department immediately. He also instructed them to make all the necessary inclusions and deletions to Dharani portal within a week.

In a meeting with Ministers and District Collectors at Pragathi Bhavan here on Monday, the Chief Minister said before State formation, maintenance of revenue records was messy and often led to clashes and litigations. He said the State government had made several attempts to put an end to the frequent litigations arising out of improper records and clarify on the ownership of every bit of land. 

“The initiatives like the comprehensive purification of land records, issue of new passbooks, new Revenue Act and other reforms undertaken by the State government brought some clarity on ownership rights,” he pointed out.

Rao expressed satisfaction that the Dharani portal launched to facilitate sale and purchase of lands as well as maintaining land records in a transparent manner, achieved cent per cent success. He wanted the website to be more flexible and user-friendly in sale and purchase of agriculture lands, for which modification should be done within one week. He wanted the officials to invite fresh applications for the pending mutations which should be completed within a week.

“Make necessary modifications immediately to make the Dharani portal more user-friendly. The Dharani portal services should be made accessible for NRIs who register themselves using their passport number. Necessary changes should be made to enable companies and societies get passbooks for the lands they purchase,” he


He emphasised the need to enable those who booked a slot to cancel or reschedule their slots. He also suggested creation of a facility to register GPA (General Power of Attorney), SPA (Special Power of Attorney) and AGPA (Agreement of Sale cum General Power of Attorney) through the Dharani portal.

Pointing out that the details of those who did not give their Aadhaar number were not uploaded in the Dharani portal, the Chief Minister suggested that they should be given another chance to register their properties using their Aadhaar number to obtain the passbooks. With regard to the prohibited lands, Rao wanted the list to be updated regularly by making changes as per the court verdicts. He suggested that the lands acquired by the State government from farmers should be mentioned under the Prohibited Lands list.

District Collectors were instructed to personally examine all issues pertaining to Revenue Department and take decisions accordingly as delegating work to lower-rung officials was not yielding desired results. 

The District Collectors were directed to solve all the issues under Part B except for those involved in legal disputes. They should also examine applications for regularisation of Sada Bainamas and solve them. They were asked to solve all the disputes with regard to Land Transfer regulation in agency areas within a month. “The cases pending before the Revenue Courts should be cleared quickly by the district-level Revenue Tribunals to be constituted and chaired by District Collectors,” he said.

Government Advisors, secretaries and heads of various departments also participated in the meeting.

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