Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao instructed the officials concerned to complete the relief and rehabilitation measures in Hyderabad on a war footing. He wanted them to cover at least one lakh flood victims everyday and provide the flood affected families with the financial assistance of Rs 10,000 announced by the State government before the Dasara festival.

Chandrashekhar Rao reviewed the ongoing relief and rehabilitation activities in the flood-affected areas of Hyderabad and its surrounding areas, at Pragathi Bhavan here on Friday.

The Chief Minister said due to heavy rains and floods, rain water entered into the houses and damaged everything including the essential commodities, clothes etc, causing severe distress among the denizens. “People were not in a position to even cook their meal. Hence, we have decided to extend Rs 10,000 per each family as an immediate financial assistance to them. This programme should be done actively,” he said.

In the wake of inundation of some areas, Chandrashekhar Rao felt that it was dangerous to restore power supply in such areas and directed the officials concerned to restore power supply only after draining the water. 

The officials informed him that due to heavy rains and floods, about 33/11 kV sub-stations were damaged at 15 locations which have been

repaired and restored. Similarly, the 11 kV feeders got damaged at about 1,080 locations and have been repaired.

Telangana State Southern Power Distribution Company Limited (TSSPDCL) chairman and managing director Raghuma Reddy explained that about 1,215 transformers were damaged in Greater Hyderabad and 1,207 of them have been repaired and restored. The remaining eight transformers could not be repaired as they were submerged in water. Similarly, another 1,145 transformers of the agricultural sector got damaged in the rural areas due to the Musi River floods where repairs have been carried out for 386 transformers. Of the remaining 759 transformers which could not be repaired, about 586 were submerged in Musi River water in the districts of Nalgonda, Bhongir and Suryapet.

“We have repaired 1,299 electric poles damaged in Greater Hyderabad and also 3,249 of 5,335 electric poles damaged in rural areas till date. Repairs of the remaining 2,086 poles in rural areas are in progress,” he said.

Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar, Principal Secretary for Municipal Administration and Urban Development Arvind Kumar, GHMC Commissioner Lokesh Kumar, Commissioner and Director for Municipal Administration Satyanarayana Reddy, SPDCL CMD Sri Raghuma Reddy and others attended the meeting.

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