Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Tuesday instructed the officials concerned to file an affidavit in the State High Court explaining the factual situation on the measures taken by the State government against the COVID-19 pandemic. He wanted them to furnish complete details sought by the High Court and also explain the measures taken up for containment of the virus spread, testing and treatment of patients along with precautionary measures being taken.

The Chief Minister gave the instructions in the wake of 87 petitions being filed in the High Court which also expressed its ire over the measures taken by the State government to check the spread of the pandemic. Officials who attended the meeting at Pragathi Bhavan here informed the Chief Minister that the State government was making best efforts in terms of testing and treatment of COVID-19 patients as well as the committed services of the medical staff.

Sources said about 87 Public Interest Litigations (PILs) were filed in the High Court by people with ulterior motives taking advantage of the pandemic situation. As a result, top officials who were already busy with implementing the preventive measures and making arrangements for treatment of COVID-19 patients were getting burdened with the additional task of attending court hearings. 

Some officials are learnt to have stated that rather than attending to their work, they were forced to devote more time for court proceedings including preparation of reports and attending the hearings.

Further, the officials

reportedly pointed out that the High Court directed the State government to conduct COVID-19 tests on all the deceased following a PIL filed in the court. But after learning about the ground level challenges, they stated that the Supreme Court had struck down the High court orders. “However, more cases are being filed in the High Court which continues to accept them. It is becoming a Herculean task to carry out the official duties as well as attend the court hearings in these 87 PILs being heard in the court,” the officials pointed out.

“We are unable to do complete justice to our responsibilities as we are tied up with court proceedings for most part of the day. In fact, the situation in Telangana State is far better compared to other states in the country. Both positive cases and the death toll is low. Despite our best services in terms of testing and treatment, it is disheartening to listen to such statements from the High Court,” the officials are learnt to have informed the Chief Minister.

They also expressed unhappiness over some media houses publishing news reports which gave an impression that the State government was doing nothing to fight Coronavirus which in turn was undermining the morale of the medical staff who are risking their lives.

Health Minister Eetala Rajender, Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar, Principal Secretary for Medical and Health Syed Murtaza Rizvi, Principal Secretary for Finance Ramakrishna Rao, and heads of various medical departments participated in the meeting.

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