Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Thursday ordered concerned officials to lift water to Kondapochamma Sagar during the ensuing Monsoon season. He expressed satisfaction over the lifting of water from Mid Manair to Ranganayak Sagar though Anantagiri, and the ongoing works of the Electricity department in preparing the pumps for the lifting of water.

The Chief Minister made a phone call to Chairman and Managing Director of Transco D Prabhakar Rao who is supervising the works at Akkaram and Markuk Pump Houses and enquired about the progress of the works. He wanted that works on all the required Lifts must be over within four days. He also congratulated the Electricity department for their tireless work, adding that they have remained as a beacon of dedication to others involved in the project.

The Transco CMD also assured the Chief Minister that the Lifts to take water to Ranganayak Sagar will be ready as per his directions before the rainy season. He said that Kaleshwaram water has been pumped up to Ranganayak Sagar successfully and now work is on war footing to take water from Ranganayak Sagar to Kondapochamma Sagar. The CMD also made surprise visits to the Akkaram and Markuk Pump Houses to check the progress of work there.

While giving instruction to the staff working there , he cautioned them to be aware of the spread of Covid 19 and maintain

social distancing even while working at a rapid pace to complete the work in time. He further encouraged them to complete the work of the Pump Houses so that Kaleshwaram water cross Ranganayak Sagar, then Mallanna Sagar and finally reach Kondapochamma Sagar.

“The teams are preparing the Lifts to pump water to greater heights. The 127 MW (6 pumps of 27 MW capacity ) Pump House at Akkaram is ready. From there water will reach Markuk. The 204 MW capacity pumps (6 pumps of 34 MW each) are also ready. The engineers are now working round the clock to test them so that the trail run can begin within four days of time,” Prabhakar Rao said. Transco JMD C Srinivasa Rao , Director J Suryaprakash , ED PV Prabhakar Rao , SE Anjaneyulu and Venu and others are camping at the sites overseeing the works.

Braving the Corona feat the Engineering teams are engrossed in the completion of work at the two pump houses. While a team of personnel from the Rahul Cable Engineering company of Mumbai were stuck in Mumbai due to restrictions there , the CMD of Transco and also DGP Mahender Reddy spoke with the Maharashtra DGP and also wrote letters to let them leave for Telangana . Finally the team arrived in Siddipet on 21 April in special vehicle with necessary permits to cross the interstate border. The team is actively taking part in the works.

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