Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao paid rich tributes to former Prime Minister PV Narsimha Rao on Monday, marking his birth anniversary on June 28. Terming him as the architect of modern India and son of Telangana, the Chief Minister stated that Narasimha Rao paved the way for the development of modern India by bringing economic reforms during challenging times.
He said the reforms introduced by the former Prime Minister helped the country achieve qualitative development not only economically but also in areas such as nuclear energy, foreign policy and internal
Chandrashekhar Rao said the Telangana government adopted the innovative policies of Narasimha Rao which boosted the growth of the country’s wealth and development, for the State’s progress and prosperity. He stated that the reforms and welfare activities initiated by Telangana were a role model for the rest of the country.
He stated that Narasimha Rao had proved that the vision of the Telangana leadership can pave the way for the country’s development and vowed to move forward with the inspiration provided by him.