Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said through the Constitution of India, Dr BR Ambedkar had emphasised the need for everyone to adopt the concept of ‘Vasudaika Kutumbham” (global family), and sent a strong message to live together with freedom and mutual respect, without succumbing to suppression and discrimination.

Paying rich tributes to Ambedkar on the occasion of his death anniversary on Tuesday, the Chief Minister remembered the former’s services to the nation.

He said the life of Ambedkar, who took the social discrimination faced by him as a challenge and promoted universal brotherhood, was worth to be emulated by all.

He termed Ambedkar as an icon of India and a global intellectual, who fought for the elimination of social inequalities throughout his life, authored the Constitution with the vision to ensure equality for all communities.

In a statement, Chandrashekhar Rao said taking

inspiration from Ambedkar’s work, the Telangana government was working towards empowerment of people from all communities to ensure that every person lives with self-respect.

He stated that the Dalit Bandhu scheme was launched to end decades of discrimination towards the Dalits and ensure their socio-economic empowerment.

Further, the State government was working with a mission to spread the name of Ambedkar on global platforms and had named the new State Secretariat after him as an ode, for his vital role in creation of Telangana State through Article 3 of the Constitution. The 125 feet statue of Dr Ambedkar, the tallest in the country, would be installed in Hyderabad soon.

The Chief Minister asserted that by following Ambedkar’s aspirations and values, the TRS government would pay a real tribute to him through upliftment of the Dalits and Bahujans as well as the economically poor.

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