Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao on Saturday paid tributes to Telangana ideologue late professor Kothapalli Jayashankar on the occasion of his birth anniversary.
Explaining the losses and hardships suffered by Telangana during the rulers in undivided Andhra Pradesh, Jayashankar instilled the spirit of separate Statehood movement among the people and dreamt of a separate Telangana, he said.
“We continued the separate Statehood
movement with the inspiration given by Jayashankar and fought courageously with mokkavoni deeksha and achieved Telangana,” the Chief Minister said.
He said Telangana became a model for the country in self-governance as expected by Jayashankar and added that the State government was realizing the dream of Jayashankar by contributing to the welfare of the downtrodden and achieving the progress of the people.