Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao returned to Hyderabad on Wednesday after his three-day visit to New Delhi. He had left for Delhi on Sunday by a special flight, to pursue issues pertaining to Telangana with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Union Ministers concerned.
The Chief Minister was accompanied by Industries Minister KT Rama Rao, Agriculture Minister S Niranjan Reddy and Civil Supplies Minister Gangula Kamalakar, along with MPs, and top officials. All the members of Telangana delegation, returned to Hyderabad.
During his stay in Delhi, the Chief Minister succeeded in convincing the Centre to consider his proposal to implement a paddy procurement policy and set annual target to the farmers across the country. He had also
convinced the Union Ministers to increase the limit of rice procured from the State. However, the Union government categorically stated that it would not purchase parboiled rice in Yasangi and it did not take any decision on the extent of paddy to be procured in Vanakalam in Telangana.
The Union Ministers assured to hold deliberations on the issue of rice purchases from Telangana on November 26. Sources said a delegation from the State government would visit Delhi again on the said date to obtain clarity on procurement which would enable farmers to cultivate paddy accordingly. In case the Centre fails, the State government is likely to come up with an alternative crop plan for farmers for the upcoming Yasangi season.