Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao returned to Hyderabad after a week-long visit to New Delhi. During his stay, he held discussions with several experts and the Opposition parties’ leaders including Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav.
The Chief Minister left for New Delhi on Monday night and since then, he had been meeting several like-minded people at his official residence on Tughlaq Road as part of his efforts to forge a platform to bring a qualitative change in the national politics. He met several leaders including Akhilesh Yadav for a meeting which more than two
hours to discuss national politics and also issues of public concern. The duo had earlier met on May 21 in the national capital.
Chandrashekhar Rao also has been guiding the TRS MPs who have been fighting against the Centre’s anti-people policies in the Parliament. The party MPs successfully raised issues pertaining to the State including inflation, price rise, GST hike and others. Further, he had also guided the top officials from the State to pursue issues pertaining to the State with various departments in the union government.