Jangaon: Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Friday said the Rs 10 lakh financial assistance under the Dalit Bandhu scheme would be extended to 40,000 families in the State this year. After March, the scheme would be extended to 2,000 families in each Assembly constituency. Not confining to extending Rs 10 lakh assistance, reservations will be provided for setting up medical shops, government contracts, fertilizer shops and wine shops for Dalits, he said.
Addressing the public meeting here, the Chief Minister said Telangana, which suffered a lot in the united Andhra Pradesh, was rapidly progressing. Fruits of all the welfare and developments works were benefiting all sections of the society. Every year, Rythu Bandhu is being extended to two to three lakh families as a means to ensure their financial empowerment, the Chief Minister further said.
“Under Rythu Bhima, Rs 5 lakh insurance coverage was being
extended to farmers, even if they own just a gunta land,” said KCR. In the past, family members had to run from pillar to post to get financial aid of Rs 50, 000 under Apatbandhu but that was not the case anymore. Now, beneficiaries get their Rythu Bhima aid in their account in eight days, he explained.
The Chief Minister declared that a medical college would be sanctioned to Jangaon and a government order would be issued to this effect in a couple of days. All measures were in place to release River Godavari water to Jangaon throughout the year. There were a few issues pertaining to irrigation and they would be addressed shortly, he assured.
“In just one year, water from the Devadula project would be released to fill the tanks in the villages in the district. Tanks will be full to the brim even in April,” the Chief Minister said. He also declared that Degree College would be sanctioned for Ghanpur and Palakurthy.