Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Wednesday declared that he was ready to take the battle for reservation for deprived sections of society to New Delhi if the Centre failed to include the 12 per cent quota for Muslims in the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution after the State Legislature passes the Bill.
Pitching strongly for drastic changes in Centre-State relations, the Chief Minister said he will sit on dharna at Jantar Mantar in the national capital along with all the lawmakers from the State to mount pressure on the Union Government. “I am man of commitment and I will not back out or give up till all the promises I made are fulfilled. I will move heaven and earth to
achieve this goal,” he said. Rao was replying to the motion of thanks on the Governor’s address in the State Legislative Council here.
The Chief Minister, in his impassioned speech lasting two hours, said there was an urgent need for the Centre to allow States to function freely on certain issues like extending reservation since each State had its own mix of population profile. “I will bring together all like-minded chief ministers to discuss this issue and work out a consensus on the reservation system across the country. Amendments should be made to the Constitution to empower States to provide reservations based on population mix,” he said.