Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Tuesday directed the officials to introduce Intermediate education in all Gurukul schools from the current academic year. Till now, the Gurukul schools were extending education till tenth standard.
He also wanted the SC, ST, BC and Minority Study Circles to be upgraded as centres that facilitate in providing jobs and employment opportunities for the youth, besides extending training for competitive exams. All the study circles in the State should be upgraded as centres that provide information on nationwide job notifications and employment opportunities based on the educational qualifications of youngsters. They should be upgraded as guiding centres for the youth, the Chief Minister said at a review meeting here on Tuesday.
“Educational training at these centres should not only be limited to State-level jobs but they should also train the youth for jobs in the air force, army, banking and other sectors,” Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said.
All the information regarding nationwide job notifications should be sourced and training should be provided to the youth accordingly. Four study circles should be established with each circle
covering SC, ST, BC and minority communities in a district. Accordingly, a total of 132 study circles should be established in 33 districts, he instructed the officials.
“Study circles should be developed as employment avenues for youngsters belonging to SC, ST, BC and minority communities. They should be transformed into recruitment centres,” he said.
Guidelines should be formulated for defining a model study circle and to this effect, competent officers should be appointed, he said, adding study circles should play a key role in providing employment for the youth, who completed ITI, Polytechnic, Pharma, Chemical, Industry, Defence, Railway, Banking, Nursing, Agriculture and other courses.
They should become centres that can provide employment not only in the public sector but also in the private sector. Meals should be arranged in study circles for candidates undergoing training at the study circles and they should be equipped with computers and state-of-the-art technical infrastructure. To provide top-quality training for IAS, IPS, IFS and Group I examinations, the Chief Minister directed the officials to set up the “All India Services Study Circle of Telangana State.”