Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao said that the ‘Telangana model’ of welfare schemes and development programmes had become a guiding force for the country. He said Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of ‘gram swaraj’ inspired him to introduce several village-centric welfare schemes and development programmes like Rythu Bandhu and Palle Pragathi.

Addressing the closing ceremony of Swatantra Bharata Vajrotsavalu, organised to commemorate 75 years of India's Independence, at the HICC here on Friday, Rao said Gandhi's ideology influenced the state government in giving top priority to welfare, making farmer-centric plans and paying special attention to rural development.

Rao said that the dream of Telangana state was realised only because the movement was taken up the Gandhian way even though some forces had said that the movement was a violent agitation.

"After the formation of TRS, I clearly declared that the Telangana movement will achieve victory only through a non-violent approach. Some did not agree with me. But everyone agreed that the path I chose was the right one and supported it. I decided not to leave the path of non-violence come what may," Rao said, adding that even the idea of hunger strike was a Gandhian philosophy.

"Some so-called intellectuals said that British rule was good during

the Independence struggle. Such people were also there during the Telangana movement.  They tried to mislead people by shamelessly announcing that they do not want Telangana. Unity helped to achieve the goal." Rao stated.

"We solved the agrarian crisis like never before in Independent India. There is happiness in the eyes of farmers, thanks to schemes like Rythu Bandhu. We have travelled a long way towards village self-rule, self-sufficiency and uplift of rural professions. Now, villages have turned prosperous. No government has provided safe drinking water to all people. Telangana has set an example in this regard," he said.

Stating that the state government was giving equal priority to villages, towns and cities, from agriculture to the development of industries and IT sectors, from tribals, Dalits, minorities to the upper caste poor, Rao said, "Telangana is moving forward with an integrated, inclusive and a comprehensive development model. Now, the Telangana model is a guiding force for the country."

"Ours is the path of justice and of dharma.  We are concerned with the welfare of all. Success will come to all of us. Let's fulfill the aspirations of freedom fighters. Let's keep Telangana at the forefront of nation building," Rao said.

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