Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Tuesday said post Covid impact, Telangana was back on development track and was being ranked among the top States in progress being achieved in the country.
“Seven years ago, per capita income of Telangana was about Rs 1 lakh. In 2021, it increased to Rs 2.37 lakh. Telangana stands in the first or second place in the country, despite being the youngest State,” Chandrashekhar Rao said.
Participating in the Christmas celebrations organised at LB Stadium here, the Chief Minister said Kaleshwaram project had put an end to all the sorrows of the farming community in the State.
“Telangana produces 3 crore tonnes of paddy and is fighting with the Centre to procure the entire produce. This great transformation from a drought-prone region was achieved with contributions from all sections of society,” he said.
The Chief Minister said no religion promotes hatred among people. In fact, it promotes peace and harmony. “Things get out of control when religion gets into a state of hysteria. In the past, Muslim rulers demolished Hindu temples but they achieved nothing,” he pointed out.
“I assure all of you that as long as this government is
there, everyone’s interests will be protected. Everybody will be safe and secure,” he said, adding that the government would ensure that there are no communal attacks in the State.
Required machinery is in place to protect one and all, and people can approach elected public representatives in case of any grievance, he said.
“The true purpose of any religion is to love each other and that should be the driving force for humanity,” Chandrashekhar Rao said adding that the Cabinet will discuss the appeals made by Christian community heads in the next meeting.
When Telangana was formed, no community or religious head had applied or requested for official celebrations of Ramzan, Christmas or Dasara, he said, adding that since it was the youngest State, it required the blessings of all sections of society, he said.
Earlier, the Chief Minister personally offered Christmas gifts to some people in the audience. Later he cut a cake and offered it to all Christian community heads on the stage. Arch Bishop Pula Anthony said the Chief Minister was striving hard to make the State ‘Bangaru Telangana’. “He is a person who took birth for a mission,” Pula Anthony said.