Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) president and Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Friday said the new national party would work for the socio-economic progress of all sections by bringing a qualitative change. He called on the party cadre to rededicate themselves to the development of the nation and bring in new policies to replace the BJP-led Central government’s failed anti-people policies.

“Politics is not just about a party winning or losing elections. Ultimately, people should be the winners, which will be the achievement of any elected representative. The BRS has been formed to achieve this transformation. Until someone dares to light the lamp, darkness will continue to envelop the country,” he said.

Need for new national policies
The Chief Minister emphasised the need to correct the failures of successive governments at the Centre over several decades and formulate new national policies for the comprehensive development of the country towards achieving qualitative change in various sectors.

Accordingly, the BRS is preparing new policies on agriculture, water, power, economic, environment, uplifting weaker sections and for empowering women, among others. “It is unfortunate that agriculture, which is the backbone of the country, is being neglected. Despite having adequate water resources, States are embroiled in water wars. Why should the people of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu fight over Cauvery water? Why should Chennai, a city with a rich history and culture, suffer for a bucketful of water? We must

correct these faulty policies and end water wars,” he asserted.

Vowing to ensure power supply to the remotest of villages in the country and uninterrupted power like in Telangana, if the people of India gave the BRS an opportunity, Chandrashekhar Rao said a new economic policy too was being prepared to strengthen the rupee and improve the nation’s economy.

Inspired by Telangana ku Haritha Haram, a new environmental policy would be chalked out. To end decades of inequality and ensure social justice for all, a weaker sections upliftment policy would be brought out. “Women form 50 per cent of the country’s population and yet there is discrimination towards them. We must introspect our policies and make them partners in the nation’s progress. We will also bring out progressive policies for the development of basic infrastructure for education, health and other sectors,” he said.

For formulating all these policies, the BRS is already brainstorming with former judges, economic, social and environmental scientists, and experts from various sectors.

To initiate new thought process
The BRS chief said the party would build a new momentum to change the thought process of the nation by emphasising the need for people to become the ultimate winners in politics, and not political parties. The party would also fight for equal rights for all and end dictatorial governance in the country. It would also strive for a special action plan for the uplift of Dalits, Bahujans and other weaker sections.
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